What does it mean to be in partnership with tamtfdsf?
The Andrea M Taylor Future Doctors Scholarship Fund Partner Schools will offer Grant(s) assistance to qualified 6 through 8 Grades Elementary Students and High School Students to help alleviate some of the financial burden to purchase text books, supplies, lab fees and high school graduation fees which will open the door for Students to apply for a Scholarship from TAMTFDSF for those students who aspire to pursue a career in the medical field to become a Medical Doctor.
Each individual Partner School Educator will establish and/or outline their own school specific curriculum for their student(s) success.
It is important to note that the Grant and Scholarship ONLY support students who have the desire to aspire to pursue a degree within the medical field, Medical Doctor.
A list of approved majors will be created with the guidance of The Taylor 829 Foundation, Inc. and its Urban League affiliates and Partner Schools
Tamtfdsf partner school(s) will agree to:
Work with the FOUNDATION/TAMTFDSF to ensure that during the tenure of the program/grant(s) and scholarship(s) each Scholarship Awardee has access to available resources to include but not limited to:
Tamtfdsf Scholars Eligibility
To apply, scholar(s) must be:
*For American Indian/Alaska Native proof of tribal enrollment will be required.
The selection of each Scholar will be based upon a rigorous selection process.